Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strengthening our Brothers and Sisters

The world has changed drastically in the past 2 decades.  we see more and more greed, corruption, immorality, and the family unity is constantly being under attack. With so much negativity in the world, how do we find solace?

I have found that, with so much contention lingering everywhere, I am making a conscious decision and effort to focus more on my own life and bringing those around me unto Christ. Doing so is bringing not only peace into my life, but I like to think I’m making a difference in others as well. I feel the love of Christ as I strive to strengthen others.

President Nelson has called upon us as Latter-Day Saints, to take the challenge of bringing all of Gods children unto Christ by gathering Israel. He said it is "the greatest challenge, the greatest cause, the greatest work on Earth today."

Everybody has their own struggles. It is part of the life that we agreed to while in the premortal existence. We all agreed that we wanted to come to earth and agreed to the challenges we would face. We have been asked to not only endure, but to carry one another's burdens and strengthen one another.

When I think of strengthening others, it doesn’t just mean helping our neighbors and family. It also means to be understanding and knowing that everyone truly does have their own struggles that they are battling every day. Some are battling a loss of a loved one, some are battling depression, some are struggling with parents getting divorced after so many years, and the list goes on forever. When we are going about in our daily lives, it is important to remember that we are not the only ones struggling. The person who just cut you off on the freeway, could be racing to a family member in the hospital. Strengthening our brothers and sisters means to be loving to everyone around us. We must not be quick to judge.

Another thing I constantly am thinking of personally, and I know for a fact that I could do better, is simply, charity. After all, we are told that Charity is the pure love of Christ. Charity comes in so many different forms. I think for me, the first and foremost form of charity that comes to my mind is helping those who are struggling. From personal experience, when I am extremely depressed or down in the dumps, one of the best things anyone can do for me is to simply be a friend to me and even just take time to be with me. Simple acts of kindness even as small as a note that says “thinking of ya’ can mean so much when people are in low places. Even if we are not close to people. For example, social media, occasionally it can be obvious when others are struggling just by seeing someone’s Instagram story or Facebook post, and we may not know them that well, but reaching out and inviting them to do something or offer to take them dinner can mean the world! I have had this happen to me, even recently, and I will forever have so much respect for the individual who took the time to be with me in hard times. Not only can these acts of service be charity, they can create lifelong friendships.

How do we come to strengthen one another? The greatest commandment was to love the Lord thy God with all my heart and with all my soul and with all that mine. The second is: "love thy neighbor as thyself". Loving our neighbors means unselfish acts of kindness and serving. Christ said, " in as much as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me". By always having Christ in our hearts we will be guided and directed to those that need to be strengthened. Let us do our part to be there for those souls that need us and be instruments in God's hands to bring the world "unto Zion".

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